High quality video editing
MSP specializes in video editing in the St. Louis Westplex area, or by flash drives. It has access to full production crews for production. We can also do all aspects of the development and distribution of high quality OTT, VOD, TV, and Web episodic series. Our method can ensure profitability through market analysis and test audiences. To learn more about VOD TV distribution, see the MSP Insider links to the right.
MSP Insider
Movie Stream Productions follows developments, trends, and challenges in New Media production and distribution. Trends and opinions are reported in the MSP Insider. These articles are intended to help Independent New Media producers and companies understand the rapidly changing online marketplace, and equip them to produce for online distribution. See the MSP Insider links to the right.
See The New Movie Distribution Paradigm.
Dorian Cole, Producer, editor. Bio.
Mission: Movie Stream Productions edits, and can create and distribute high quality first run episodic series for streaming services through several VOD TV distributers (Web, PPV, Internet, satellite, etc.), for any device. It is a market driven organization. Production will be done by Movie Stream Productions, or by production companies authorized by us.
Series are in standard TV format, and made for advertising.
Market niche: The target market is for new, premium, recurring (series), content for home theater streaming. We will not compete with Hollywood blockbuster style movies in theaters or TV programs in broadcast.
Product niche: Primarily very unique Comedy (sitcom), Romantic Comedy, and Action series. Twenty-two to forty-four minutes in length for 30 and 60 minute shows with commercials. These may be G to R rated, and generally the same standards as TV prime time for mature audiences.
Production/producers: Movie Stream productions will provide high quality series scripts made for production, for production companies with demonstrated experience, that are qualified to make high quality entertainment to the technical specifications required. These productions are intended for rapid shooting, possibly two to three weekends a month, with a lot of it on a sound stage using 3 cameras.
Technique: We use a development team to develop the series, characters, and episodes.
Finances: We do not do production financing. Producers and directors are responsible for controlling expenses on a production, which can occur anywhere in the world, and responsible for the financial aspects of producing. Distribution costs are minimal so most of the profit goes to the production. Advertising costs, which are essential to success, are significant, but controlled for maximum profit.
Distribution outlets: We are able to distribute through PPV, Web, cable and satellite PPV, and through many other venues.
Distribution technology:Depending on circumstances, over Worldwide Web commercial CDN networks, satellite and cable.
Our Contacts
Please contact us through our secure contact form.
Facebook Messenger: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=1019376728
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How to Stream Movies
Movie streaming enables you to watch movies on any Internet enabled device, such as your computer, TV, game box, set top box, or smart cell phone. Movie streaming is done over an Internet connection. For best service, a 4 Mbps connection is needed. If you are in doubt about your connection, ask your Internet Service Provider.
Devices can be wired or wireless. If your Internet connection slows, most movie providers will lower the picture quality so that you can continue watching the movie even if the picture quality is not as good, or temporarily stop and rebuffer.
Movie streams are not downloads. You watch the movie immediately as it is streamed in real time. The movie is never saved on your device, and huge amounts of memory are not required.
Various devices can "Web enable" your TV. A computer output can be used to provide the signal to your TV. A set top box, such as Boxee and Roku®, can be used.
Other devices provide limited service. A "Smart device" will allow you to connect to Netflix® and a limited number of other services. These devices, such as Smart Blue Ray players and Smart TVs, often promote the manufacturer's own brand of streaming or download service. Roku offers a larger offering. Sony has a device that includes a Web browser with unlimited access to YouTube and other venues.
For the best Web viewing experience on your TV, look for devices that enable you to have a full selection of movie providers. These currently include Google TV, Boxee, Roku, and some Sony devices.
Other full providers are welcome to add their names to this list by contacting us through our secure contact form.
- BOXEE™ is a Trademark, or Registered Trademark of Boxee, Inc.
- Google TV™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
- NETFLIX® is a Registered Trademark of NETFLIX®, INC.
- ROKU® is a Registered Trademark (Word mark) of Roku, L.L.C.
The current focus is on video editing.
Check with us if you are interested in producing a series, to initiate discussions. A nondisclosure agreement regarding concepts and content will be required, and we will need to see a completed production first.
1. Piracy occurs when people use digital cameras to capture movie theater, TV, and computer images, or when theft of film copies, DVD, or downloaded files occur. Movie Stream Productions does not use downloaded files, and the stream is encrypted, preventing the most typical kinds of piracy. Digital camera capture cannot be prevented in any venue, either theater or online, but the picture and sound quality usually isn't high enough to compete with those wanting home theater quality. The actual impact of piracy is debatable. Most US piracy viewing goes to those who weren't going to pay to see the movie anyway, or because it wasn't available. Movie Stream Productions solves the availability problem. But in other countries, such as Spain and China, piracy has had varied but substantial impact. Movie Stream Productions will cooperate fully in any piracy investigation, and will notify authorities if piracy is suspected.